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Buy Artrocal Hampton online


Arthrocal Hampton (Artrocal Hampton) – a modern veterinary drug for injection in the form of a 12% solution of chondroitin sulfate and 20% glucosamine sulfate solution, aimed at the regeneration of articular cartilage in animals (horses, dogs, cats).

Artrocal Hampton 5 × 5 ml

  • For the treatment of the musculoskeletal system
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Buy Artrocal Hampton online | Order Artrocal Hampton online | Artrocal Hampton For Sale

Buy Artrocal Hampton online, Artrocal Hampton is a modern veterinary drug for injection in the form of 12% chondroitin sulfate solution and 20% glucosamine sulfate solution, aimed at the regeneration of articular cartilage in animals (horses, dogs, cats). The combination of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate more effectively slows down the process of degenerative changes in the joints and stops the destruction of cartilage than the action of these substances alone. The drug has no analogues. For intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.

Indications for use:

Non-infectious arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, periarthritis, osteoarthritis, spondyloarthrosis, arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis), osteochondrosis, tendinitis, synovitis, discopathy, discospondylosis, chondropathy and other inflammatory, degenerative and post-inflammatory lesions osteoarticular pathologies: cracks, fractures; acute and traumatic injuries of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus; the consequences of surgical interventions on the tissues of the musculoskeletal system; period of intensive growth of young animals; osteodystrophy in adult animals; age-related pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system; increased physical and sports activity; dysplasia of the hip joint.


Chondroitin sulfate (Condroitin sulfato) – 120 mg. Glucosamine sulfate (Glucosamina sulfato) – 200 mg. Sterile aqueous solution for injection (Excipient csp) – 1 ml. Packaging: 5 glass ampoules, 5 ml each, packed in a cardboard box.

Recommendations for use

Dogs and cats: Treatment: In severe and acute cases, the drug is administered intramuscularly in a dose of 0.5 ml. 10 kg. live weight of a dog or cat every 24 hours for 3-4 days. Further, therapy is continued according to the prophylaxis scheme. Prevention: When carrying out prophylaxis, the drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 0.5 ml. 10 kg. live weight of a dog or cat with an interval of 4-7 days. The recommended minimum frequency of administration of the drug is 5 times (5 injections). Horses: Treatment: In severe and acute cases, the drug is administered intramuscularly in a dose of 1 ml. for 80-100 kg.

the horse’s live weight every 24 hours for 3-4 days. Further, therapy is continued according to the prophylaxis scheme. Prevention: When carrying out prophylaxis, the drug is administered intramuscularly in a dose of 1 ml. for 80-100 kg. the horse’s live weight at intervals of 7 days. The recommended minimum frequency of administration of the drug is 5 times (5 injections). The dosage of the drug and the duration of the course are determined by the specialist individually, depending on the specific features of the course of the disease and the degree of its severity. Contraindications: Not identified. Possible increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug.

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1 Box, 3 Boxes, 5 Boxes, 10 Boxes, 20 Boxes

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